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How You Can Visualise Your Wellness with A Wellness Wheel

Updated: Jan 7

Understanding our often fast-paced and complex lifestyle can reveal how it affects our well-being, allowing us to make better choices more swiftly.

How You Can Visualise Your Wellness with A Wellness Wheel

We all possess a foundational layer—essential activities we need to maintain or increase, known as our wellness principles. Additionally, there are things we overindulge in that can be detrimental, referred to as bliss stealers. Your bliss stealers might include:

  • Overeating, which undermines our confidence and sometimes our health.

  • Spending excessively on unnecessary items can lead to conflicts with ourselves and others.

  • Addictions - activities we cannot cease that are harmful to us.

  • Poor focus, which prevents us from maintaining a healthy perspective.

  • Time thieves, activities we don't want to do that consume too much time, hindering us from doing what we prefer.

  • Avoidance, which obstructs our success and stalls our progress.

  • Excessive relaxation, where laziness keeps us from fulfilling our purpose.

  • Procrastination, or delaying necessary tasks until the last minute, occupies negative mental space and causes anxiety and guilt.

  • Something else? - There might be an issue not mentioned that is personal to you.

On the Wellness Wheel, the wellness foundation layer is positioned on the inner edge, while bliss stealers are on the outer edge. The true value of the chart lies in its ability to help us clearly identify which aspects are going well and which are not. It is most effective when you approach it with honesty and a clear mind.

Completing your Wellness Wheel

This information is reproduced here with permission given by owner FindBlliss, you may not reproduce it other than for personal use and you should not publish or share it without written consent from the owner.

How You Can Visualise Your Wellness with A Wellness Wheel

Begin by downloading our blank Wellness Wheel. Many find it beneficial to repeat the exercise regularly. The frequency depends on your personal circumstances, such as the pace of change in your life, if you're facing challenges without clear reasons, or when you feel the need for a refresh. Monthly or quarterly repetitions are also common options.

Examine the empty wheel shape and assess your position with the eight wellness principles toward the centre. Rate each segment out of 10, using the light grey line indicating a score of five as a reference. If you have a negative score, leave that segment empty and instead mark the corresponding area below, rating it out of 10 with 10 being at the very centre. You can colour each segment differently or use the same colour to group elements you believe are related.

Next, evaluate the Bliss Stealers positioned on the outer edge. Use the same 10-point scoring system to extend the line in any area that presents a challenge for you. Once you've completed both tasks, you'll have a map indicating where to direct your attention. Understanding where to focus will assist you in progressing towards greater bliss. You can opt to implement changes independently or utilise your support networks, such as family, friends, colleagues, or professionals, for assistance. You will also be able to identify how a low score correlates with other areas on your wheel, which can illustrate how your life is affected by both positive and negative scores. Recognising what we need help with makes it easier to find the right assistance and reach a solution more swiftly. Engage with areas of the COG community that will support you in finding and maintaining each aspect of your wheel.

How You Can Visualise Your Wellness with A Wellness Wheel - Last updated 30.12.24

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