From ONS
Explore which jobs are advertised the most in Staffordshire Moorlands, and how many local residents have the relevant skills to fill them. This will help you focus on what's available and how competitive a segment is in order to plan for your education or contemplate a career change. If you are an employer this information will help you identify skill shortages and needs in order to fix the issues you are experiencing in recruitment. It also helps local government to identify potential worker shortages or surpluses, and where additional training might be needed.
Select your local authority area (you'll need to scroll), to learn which occupations were advertised the most in the local area up to August 2024, and how well-matched the skills of the local population were to jobs across 2023.
In August 2024, the number of live job adverts in Staffordshire Moorlands was below the UK average, with around 1.1 per 100 working-age residents (aged 16 to 64 years). This was lower than the UK average of 3.4 adverts per 100 working-age residents.
In 2023, 52% of job adverts in Shropshire and Staffordshire could have been filled by local people. Compared with the proportion of adverts that matched the skills of people in other areas, Shropshire and Staffordshire placed 18th of 37 UK Segments.
If the jobs being advertised in an area do not match the skills of the resident population, then vacancies might remain unfilled, or employers may have to look further afield to find workers. It's worth noting that not all adverts need to be filled by residents from that area. People may commute from further afield, work remotely, or relocate to fill roles.
Providing sufficient health and social care services is an important challenge for many areas of the UK.
Many health and social care jobs require specialised skills and training, which can make them harder to fill than other occupations. In 2023, 59% of health and social care job adverts in Shropshire and Staffordshire could have been filled by people in the area.
Which skills are employers seeking in our area? Last updated 11.11.24