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How to Share Your Stories, Events, etc. in 5 Easy Steps.

  1. Read and agree to follow the Rules below

  2. Prepare your writing - don't worry about it being perfect and do join one of our "Write the news" sessions if you are unsure where to start

  3. Complete the Form below

  4. Check your inbox for updates on your entry - do chase us if it's been longer than 72 hours

  5. Finally, Check your live post for accuracy or resubmit if we've asked you for amendments to be made.


Our printed copy takes time to create and distribute. To manage the process we have deadlines to meet. You can find out how that fits with sending in your submissions here.

Download our print and distribution deadlines


To submit your articles, images etc. for COGNEWS you will need to complete the form below. We need certain information so if you see a star next to a question, this is information you must complete before you can submit.


  • An Article comprises Title, Introduction, Details, Conclusion, and an Image with an optional Link to further information. A News Snippet or Event will be less words. If you don't want to use all 3 Story Boxes, put "None" in the box you don't want to use so that we know that you don't want to use it.


  • Images must be good quality jpg or png and of your own creation or ownership.


  • ​If you are not authorised to speak for your organisation, get consent first.


  • We recommend writing your story first in a word processing app such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word, reading it out loud and or ask someone to read it over for you. Consider the impact of your words; are they honest, fair and wherever possible upbeat? Our words matter and COGNEWS is a fair place for all. Then copy your words into the relevant boxes. 


  • Your work will be edited by our editing team to ensure it fits with COG's style of writing and that it is relevant to our audience. If we've covered a topic sufficiently already we may not include your news. Our decisions are final and we are not obliged to give our reasons, but will endeavour to give feedback when asked.


  • You must be over 18 to submit. If you are under 18 then ask a parent or guardian to submit on your behalf please include this fact in your story body. 


  • If you are not a COG member and are acting for an organisation or company, you will be asked to make a contribution to our work. We are a community interest company supporting over 70 local groups.​​


  • Above all, have fun with this process, it can be challenging at first, but it's a great feeling seeing your work in print and it's a new skill you've aquired!



The Form

I'm submitting:

My News is suitable for:

If you would like to participate in COG please tick the box.

I confirm I am over 18

Add your News Image
Add your Logo Image

Please withold my name & address from publication

Your content has been submitted

An error occurred. Try again later

Thank you for submitting your news. Once we have assessed, edited fact checked and proofed your news, usually within 72 hours, you'll link will be live. We do try to inform you in an email, but during busy periods this may not be possible, so do look out for it on the site. If your news doesn't go live before your ideal publication time do call us or send an urgent email. Not all items are published and there can be many reasons for this. COGNEWS decision to publish is final and may not be communicated to you. You can always ask for feedback and please keep submitting, you will be published - sometimes it just takes a little moment to find your writing groove. It is your responsibility to keep details up to date, to stay connected with COG members and Cheadle residents as approiate.


What happens when you submit your news?

Once we have assessed, edited fact checked and proofed your news, usually within 72 hours, you'll link will be live. We do try to inform you in an email, but during busy periods this may not be possible, so do look out for it on the site. If your news doesn't go live before your ideal publication time do call us or send an urgent email. Not all items are published and there can be many reasons for this. COGNEWS decision to publish is final and may not be communicated to you. You can always ask for feedback and please keep submitting, you will be published - sometimes it just takes a little moment to find your writing groove. It is your responsibility to keep details up to date, to stay connected with COG members and Cheadle residents as you feel is appropriate.

gold cogs

Privacy  ~   Permission  ~  Disclaimer  ~  Content Use  ~  Liability

This site and the Cheadle Weekly News are published by Cheadle COG for members of the group and residents of the Cheadle Staffordshire Area. We always intend to be fair to everyone and if you feel something isn't quite right please tell us. We want this community to be kind and connected for the good of the town. We cannot be held responsible for members and general posts where details  may have been provided with inaccuracies or details which change. We recommend checking with the organiser first before attending an event or group to avoid disappointment.

 © 2024 Creative Studios


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