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New Transport Plan for Staffordshire

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

From Staffordshire County Council - update Lori Wood Williams Cheadle Town Councillor - 23.09.24

I met with SCC Highways last week and had the opportunity to ask questions residents and other councillors had raised. The Highways Officer I met with was very responsive to our views and is taking them back for consideration and possible inclusion in the forthcoming plan. Details will be sent out to participants in the Local Transport Plan, and as soon as they are available I will publish them here.

Questions raised included:

Q. Fixing Potholes: Why do some get repaired and not others?

A. Potholes are divided into 4 categories; Emergency, Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3.

All emergency repairs are completed as fast as possible. 97 percent of Category 1 repairs are made quickly and Category 2 usually get completed within 7-14 days. There are 1000's of category 3 potholes these don't tend to get done because of shortages of resources. What defines the category of a pothole is the severity, the position in the road and usage.

Opinion: I know of some quite serious potholes on major routes which have been left for months. They can only decide the category and make the repair when the issue is reported. I can see now how important it is for us all to report potholes as we spot them. You can do so here:

Fixing Potholes: Concerns about the lack of quality and longevity in the repair.

When will we see the promise JCB Pothole Pro in Cheadle - as promise many months ago?

Lines not being put back after road repairs

Serious safety concerns on certain local roads

Lack of information regarding when roadworks are happening and connectivity of repairing work.

New Transport Plan for Staffordshire

Let’s Talk Transport allows people to get involved in shaping the future of Staffordshire’s transport network.

In 2024,SCC are developing a new local transport plan (LTP). It will describe Staffordshire's future transport network and the practical steps we, and others, need to take to get there. The plan will include all the ways we get around, and how we manage our roads.

The plan will:

  • Outline the future vision for our transport network in 2050, together with the policies, plans, and programmes needed to realise it.

  • Describe our aspirations for walking, cycling, wheeling, public transport, rail, car-based travel, and freight.

  • Describe our aspirations regarding the management and maintenance of local roads.

  • Explain how we will prioritise, fund, deliver and monitor the schemes necessary to achieve the vision.

  • Set out our 'asks' of our partners and Government, whose cooperation is essential to realise the vision.

  • Align with, and support, the council’s broader strategies, plans, and priorities.

Since we have launched let’s talk transport we have:

  • Launched our walking and cycling maps and survey, to engage with communities being included within our next local cycling and walking infrastructure plan (LCWIP).

  • Held a poll regarding what transport issues are important to you.

  • Regularly updated let’s talk transport with content such as scrutiny reports and the Staffordshire business & environment network (SBEN) breakfast video.

We now have live:

Get Involved

We’re putting this plan together with the help of Staffordshire residents, local businesses and key partners.

We’re really keen to know what you think, so we’ll be holding some face-to-face sessions, online webinars, and surveys over the coming months.

Click here to join our email list.(External link) You’ll be the first to hear about any new events regarding the LTP, giving you the chance to voice your opinions.

All data collected on this page will be processed in line with our privacy notice. We will use the information that you have given us in order to:

  • Enable us to develop transport strategies, including but not limited to the LTP and ensuring equality of those strategies to all of Staffordshire’s residents,

  • Secure funding for transport infrastructure, transport services, travel planning and behavioural change programmes, and

  • Construct traffic, transport and carbon models and support analytical transport planning.

New Transport Plan for Staffordshire: Last updated 23.09.24

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