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Making Gold from Mass Produced Electronics

Making Gold from Mass Produced Electronics

This might be pretty boring to look at, but the electronics of this modern Chinese radio has value long after it can no longer fill our lives with sound.

Most of us have one of these, and other electronics in our homes, some of value, some not used, and some perhaps no longer working. They are generally not expensive to buy, but now have a value beyond our use, thanks to an innovative scheme by the Royal Mint.

The audio amplifier failed in our pictured product meaning that this radio would normally be taken down to a local recycling centre where it would either be exported as electronic waste or burnt. However, lurking under the surface are tiny amounts of hidden treasure: tin, silver, copper, palladium, indium and gold. These precious metals are normally lost, but The Royal Mint has invested into a precious metals recycling plant. The system is patented and owned by Ecir, a Canadian based company. The benefit being that the process is a chemical recovery system not requiring the intensive labour of other recycling methods. The Mint hopes to set up the factory in the U.K. soon.

At present 50 million tonnes of electronic waste is produced in the world each year, this process could reduce this figure and make 57 billion (US Dollars), something the Bank of England would use to bring in revenue for the country. We'll let you know when the new plant is open, and how things progress with this world leading scheme.

Making Gold from Mass Produced Electronics - last updated 16.09.24


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