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Batty about Moths at Cecilly Brook

One late summer evening, I joined a group of torch carrying, sweater wearing locals, at Cecilly Brook Nature Reserve near the Leisure Centre in Cheadle. Where The Friends of Cecilly Brook welcomed visitors as young as two, to an evening adventure with bats and moths.

Batty about Moths at Cecilly Brook

My daughter and I wanted to join this type of event for some time, and were delighted that this one was not only on our doorstep, but was free to attend. We were informed by group leader Anne that we had a much more hopeful night ahead than last, which was very windy, creating poor conditions for sightings. On a table, under the gazebo, was spread egg boxes, perspex jars and some curious looking binders. On closer inspection egg box frames and jars housed quite a few different types of moths which had been collected the night before in Cheadle. We had an opportunity to learn about these fascinating creatures in a short talk by Anne, local moth enthusiast, followed by a short talk about local bats.

There are about 10 different types of bats in Staffordshire and 19 across the UK. Staffordshire Wildlife Trust were in attendance, armed with hand-held gadgets, which alerted us when a bat was nearby, so that we might find them easier to spot. We learned that the best place to spot them was as they moved along a hedgerow or from tree to tree as they looked for food. Bats eat about 2500 insects a night each, now that's a level of fast food even Macdonalds would struggle with!

When dusk descended, we took a walk, with our friendly group, along the Nature Reserve's path. Information was given and questions answered, as we walked and talked, uniting all. I didn't see a bat on this occasion, but the bat detectors did pick up bats foraging on the reserve. We did see lots of moths, which the bats would see as dinner.

They're a friendly bunch at Cecilly Brook, the evening was fun, different and informative. I'm looking forward to doing more dusk walks and learning more about our fascinating nocturnal creatures.

Batty about Moths at Cecilly Brook

Thank you Cecilly Brook!

Update from the team: We are continuing to do our monthly Cecilly Brook. Nature Reserve litter picks. The next ones will be on the 3rd Sunday in November & December if anyone wants to join us for an hour. We meet on the Leisure Centre car park at 10am.

More information about our work parties for the coming months can be found at

Batty about Moths at Cecilly Brook last updated 24.10.23

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