You can find all vacancies listed on the link below:

Customer Services Advisor
Salary: AG2 - £23,500-£25,119 per annum
Full time - 37 hours per week - between 9am-5pm - Monday to Friday.
Part time hours are also available.
Contract- Permanent
Locations: Leek & Buxton
£12.18 per hour plus enhancement for night working
Join our dedicated team providing a 24 hour response service to our community alarm clients
across the High Peak.
AAT Financial Technician
Starting Salary: AG1 (£22,366-£23,114 pa) whilst studying level 2 AAT;
Progression within AG2 range (£23,500 - £25,119 pa) whilst studying levels 3 and 4 AAT
Full time, Permanent contract
Work location in line with business need: Leek and Buxton offices, plus Agile working
Technical Assistant (Pollution) x 2
Work Base: Buxton and Leek Agile working
Full time (37 hours per week)
Permanent position
£27,803- £33,024 per annum depending on qualifications and experience (plus essential car user)
Principal Officer (Licensing & Housing)
Work Base: Buxton and Leek Agile working Â
Full time (37 hours per week)
Permanent position
£48,474- £52,468 per annum (plus essential car user)
Latest Local Authority Vacancies last updated 23.6.24