Cheadle Town Councillors disagree, this thorny topic was addressed during the full council meeting on 2nd December 2024. The rules for posting advertisements on railings and public places are straightforward: placing a poster is illegal without obtaining permission from the district council.
In recent months, the council has been lenient with fly-posting and advertising posters in the town. However, due to the increasing number of posters now visible on our streets, the town council has decided to address this issue.
It was outlined that fly posting causes a number of issues: it can be distracting for drivers and lead to increased accidents, posters can detract from the attractive appeal of visiting our historic town, and they place an unfair competitive advantage for organisations that don't seek appropriate authorisation.
An almost unanimous vote was cast, with only one member of the council against taking action. As a result, a letter has been sent to the district council to ask that they inform the town council which posters are legal so that unlawful fly posters can be removed.
The District Council recognizes the difficulties that its policy towards fly-posting will present to charity and community groups. In such circumstances, all such groups, if seeking to display any advert or placard, should contact the Council before displaying the same to check whether planning consent is required.
You can read the full information here:
Update: Many of the posters have now been removed. There are several notice boards around the town where posters could be displayed and a new large modern noticeboard is being planned for the spring of 2025.
Do Council Regulations on Posters in Our Town Effectively Reduce Visual Pollution? - Last updated 10.11.24