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Cheadle Stores Criticise Local Council - for Fairground Failings

Updated: Jul 4, 2024

Fairground Failings in Cheadle
The business perspective on the day

I have to admit that there is still a bit of the child in me that still enjoys a good town fair. Fairs bring happiness and joy into people's lives and make a town vibrant. Sadly the funfair held on Tape Street Car Park on the 1st of June, wasn't fun for local shops, shoppers, and staff.

Unfortunately, while shopping, I was greeted by an unhappy store keeper. Andy from the Fresh Produce of Cheadle said Councillor Bentley popped in the day before saying that there will be a fair arriving the next day. Andy reported to me that this was not enough notice for him to shorten his weekend order and this resulted in the loss of £2000 worth of stock. Parking bays and trolley areas were cordoned off and many of his customers who are elderly and need to park nearby as do those buying larger plants.

Iceland's manager Antonia further told me that she had received no information from Town or District Council about the event and that she had to send staff home. BM Bargains Store told us that whilst it is not company policy to talk to the press, they would be sending a letter of complaint from head office to the Town Council. This action is to be mirrored by the other two businesses we spoke with.

It is our understanding that the Funfair was originally planned for Tean Road Memorial Ground but due to adverse weather making the ground unsuitable, it had to be switched at the last minute. There are a few issues which concern us about this. Firstly, wouldn't Churchill Road make a much more suitable venue having the space and car parking needed for this type of event? Whilst we understand that this was done to avoid disappointing the visitors to the fair, how would they know it had moved? The people who wanted to shop at the affected stores certainly wouldn't, and I can imagine there were quite a few disappointed gardeners, cooks etc. as a result of the change. This action pleases no one as far as I can see and causes friction between businesses, residents and visitors with the local councils. Then there are the questions of changes to risk assessment, licensing and of course insurance. Were these adopted thoroughly in time? Not things we want to think about with regards to a funfair but are essential to keep us all safe nonetheless.

We don't know who made the decision to move this event and don't wish to point a finger at this error, but this cannot happen again and we hope that all who read this post, involved in this type of decision making, will make sure that in future the needs of our community as a whole are not trampled upon by short sighted thinking.

Any Councillors, business owners or members of the public who would like to reply to this post regarding fairground failings or a fresh perspective may do so by contacting the editor.

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