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Cheadle Mayor's Report

October 2024

Cheadle Mayor's Report

Our Mayor, Paulette Upton has been moving a project forward at the Tean Road Memorial Ground. Her vision is to improve facilities for residents and visitors to our lovely town.

She told COGNEWS "I would like to encourage residents to get involved in clubs and groups to make the most of our town and also our lovely countryside nearby.

It has been marvellous that our Councillors have worked with the District Council to purchase the town market, and I am sure it will be a success, in the same way as other markets in the moorlands are. Please do your best to support this market over the coming months.

I was pleased to be able to offer the Cats drama group the use of the Tean Road Tennis court for their production of Romeo & Juliet at no cost. We like to support local groups, if you need help just contact us at the Lodge for further information*.

In the next few months I shall be looking forward to the public consultation with Churchill Road residents regarding the recreation ground improvement. I am sure it will benefit the neglected north end of the Town. My particular thanks go to the Deputy Mayor Kate Mills to make sure the money is ready to be drawn down.

Lastly, I'd like to wish you all a pleasant autumn.

Cheadle town council Tel No: 01538 754288, Town Clerk email:


Cheadle Mayor's Report last updated 5.10.2024

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