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Shining a light on Biddulph’s mining heritage - Thanks to an £8,000 Moorlands Partnership Grant

Shining a light on Biddulph’s mining heritage - Thanks to an £8,000 Moorlands Partnership Grant
Councillor Christina Jebb (second left) joined Staffordshire Moorlands Chairman, Councillor Ian Plant, and Biddulph Mayor, Councillor Nigel Yates (third and fourth from the left) and other prominent members of the local community for the official unveiling of the restored lamps.

Light is shining once again on Biddulph East’s mining legacy – thanks to a restoration project to replace the local community’s miner’s lamps.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council installed the lamps at the St John’s Road roundabout in 2004 as part of a regeneration project but they had to be removed in 2022 after falling into disrepair. New lamps have now been installed at the site after the Town and District Councils joined forces and a grant of £8,000 towards the overall cost was provided by the Moorlands Partnership Board.

Councillor Christina Jebb, Chair of the Moorlands Partnership Board, said: “This community is rightly very proud of its mining legacy so we were delighted to be able to help them celebrate their heritage with funding. “The lamps look fantastic and will be a lasting reminder of the past to everyone who lives in and visits Biddulph East. Well done to everyone involved.”

Shining a light on Biddulph’s mining heritage - Thanks to an £8,000 Moorlands Partnership Grant

The Board, which meets three times a year, offers grant aid towards heritage projects that seek to repair, restore or enhance historic buildings and places. There’s more information about the heritage grants on their website.

Shining a light on Biddulph’s mining heritage - Thanks to an £8,000 Moorlands Partnership Grant - last updated 26.1.25

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