Spotted on Facebook and reproduced for COG.

We think it's really interesting to see that according to Leek's Town Plan, it was desirable to build more houses in Leek. So why did most major developments come to Cheadle instead? We wish Councillor Bill Cawley SMDC Leek West & Cabinet Member for Communities every success with Leek's Town Plan to refresh; and and ask the Burning Question - Isn't it long overdue that Cheadle's plan is reviewed?
Here is Councillor Cawley's Post:
Looking at a draft neighbourhood plan for Leek that has been looked at for some time . Just wondering what is the general view of the following broad statements
1 Empty mills should be put to use by becoming work spaces or accommodation
2 We should have more allotments
3 There should be more affordable houses built on brown field sites
4 Leek should be more welcoming to visitors
5 It is important that the town retains its market town feel
6 We must protect, conserve and enhance Leek’s natural environment
7 We must ensure that design and appearance of future developments maintains Leek’s identity and character
8 There should be more public conveniences in the town.
9 There should be a new central public open space that acts as a community focal point
10 There should be more charging points to accommodate vehicles
11 Affordable housing should meet local need
12 Developments should take the opportunity to enhance the character and amenity of the River Churnet.
13 Developments should enhance community vitality by supporting the development of ICT.
14 Building materials must have a good standard of finish , be durable to weathering and support will be given to the reuse of local or recycled materials
15 Shop front fascia signs should be appropriate to design and proportionate to other elements in the shop front fascia signs
16 Development should take opportunities to enhance existing footpaths and cycle ways and have no adverse impact on their amenity, safety or accessibility
17 Expand existing bus services to towns with existing rail links such as Macclesfield or Stoke .
18 Investigate new long distance footpaths linking with existing paths
19 Encourage young people to live and stay in the area
20 Encourage more public art
There is more suggestions but as a list are there any omissions that leap out?
Is it Time to Revitalise Cheadle's Town Plan? Last updated 17.10.24