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Cheadle's D-Day Cross

Updated: Jul 4

Staffordshire boasts being a creative county and with a proud history of pottery manufacture and Schools of Art such as The Burslem School of Art, and the Leek Embroidery School there can be little doubt of our heritage. But what of present day, does creativity still thrive in Staffordshire and in particular in Cheadle?

For a number of years now residents and visitors have spotted uniquely created designs on bollards, buildings and the market cross, celebrating occasions such as the King's Coronation, Christmastime and the Cheadle Moon. Currently if you wander up the High Street to the Market Cross you'll see it adorned with knitted poppies. On closer inspection you'll realise that there are no less than 1000 individual poppies joined together to form this unique art installation.

We caught up with Dee Beardmore - Creative Cheadle's lead, and organiser of these delightful displays. Dee's own business Redezine is situated in the beautiful old Tudor House Building at the start of the High Street. Here you'll find a haven for crafts. Each poppy is hand-crafted by Creative Cheadle members.

Dee explained that it all started in 2018 when the plan was to produce 100 poppies for the 100 years since the first world war, this was well received by the town and so they continue to craft and showcase their talent delighting residents and visitors alike. It has literally grown since then. At the end of it's term the poppy display will go into the wash ready for next time it's used.

We thank Creative Cheadle for the delightful ways they enrich our town, Cheadle's D-Day Cross is an unexpected delight for young and old, and wish them well for their next project.

Creative Cheadle's next project is Autumn Squares, if you are interested in this or any other project, you can contact Dee for more information and to join the group. Tel: 07493160410, Email: or Facebook: creativecheadlestaffs.

Giant Poppy at the top of the cross
Giant Poppy at the top of the cross

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