Operation spotlight is a National campaign to help keep all road users safe over the summer months. These are just a few tips on keeping yourself and others safe.
Take a second look for other road users, especially at junctions, roundabouts and before changing lanes.
Wear your seatbelt, no matter how short the journey.
Put your mobile phone out of reach when you’re driving.
Travel within the speed limit and adapting your speed to the conditions.
Make alternative travel plans in advance, such as a designated driver, taxi or checking public transport routes if you are planning a night out.
Expect to come across horses or other animals especially on rural roads, be patient, give as much room as possible, and slow down to maximum 20mph, even slower on narrow roads and lanes.
Message Sent By:
James Moffatt
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Staffordshire Moorlands)